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How to Store Your Outdoor Gear
February 3, 2016

Are you an outdoor person and wondering where to store your outdoor gear? Don’t let your gear take up your precious space at home. Free up space in your home and store your outdoor gear in a storage unit! Outdoor gear can take up a lot of space. Once you start getting into outdoor hobbies, […]

Getting Organized Room by Room
January 1, 2016

No one likes the thought of getting organized in all rooms of the house. Cleaning up the living room, sorting items in the kitchen, or organizing the garage-all of these tasks can be time consuming or stressful. Let Hernando Storage help you get started with some organization ideas and tips! We have prepared tips to […]

Swap Your Seasons Successfully
August 4, 2015

Last month we told you how to store your winter clothing so that nothing gets damaged. Check out that blog here. This month, we are getting ready to start packing up the summer gear and putting it in storage while taking out the fall/winter items. It can be a stressful time for a first time […]